How does financial supervision and regulation interact to influence financial stability in Hong Kong?
From the beginning of its financial development, Hong Kong’s regulatory approach has been shaped by financial crises. Despite the implementation of internationally-endorsed regulatory reforms in response to these crises, Hong Kong’s financial system is nonetheless vulnerable to market and regulatory failures.
Hong Kong’s financial system is dominated by banking which consequently poses the greatest risk to financial stability. Notwithstanding these vulnerabilities and risk, international regulatory reforms have concentrated on regulatory policies and tools, thus disregarding the importance of constructing proper supervisory models to manage financial stability in Hong Kong’s banking system.
A Regulatory Design for Financial Stability in Hong Kong explores the city’s financial market and regulatory evolution. From the first financial crisis in the 19th century to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this book provides an in-depth understanding of the banking system regulatory approach, specifically in terms of the opportunities and threats presented by conventional and innovative reforms which could undermine Hong Kong’s financial stability.
Moreover, this book examines contemporary trends and risks to financial stability involving Renminbi infrastructure, distributed ledger technology, digital currencies, RegTech and FinTech, each of which influence the future of Hong Kong as an international financial centre.
The author, Evan Gibson, is a Research Assistant Professor with the HKU-SCF FinTech Academy at the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. Dr Gibson’s research in financial law and regulation, economic law, comparative law and financial technology is recognised in world-leading publications including Financial Markets and Exchanges Law (2021), The Cambridge Handbook of Twin Peaks Financial Regulation (2021) and the Research Handbook on Asian Financial Law (2020).
The book is now available at Amazon.
For more information, please contact:
Research Assistant Professor
HKU-SCF FinTech Academy, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
Upcoming Event:
Dr Evan C. Gibson will appear as guest on “Regulatory Ramblings – BRIEFS” with host Ajay Shamdasani to talk about the book on 29th September 2022 at 11:30AM (HKT) to be streamed LIVE via HKU FinTech LinkedIn page. Regulatory Ramblings – BRIEFS is a 30-minute video podcast produced by HKU FinTech and hosted by HKU-SCF FinTech Academy, HKU-edX Professional Certificate in FinTech and Reg/Tech Lab.
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