Hosted by the HKU Reg/Tech Lab, the HKU-Standard Chartered FinTech Academy and the HKU-edX Professional Certificate in FinTech, we are launching a new podcast, Regulatory Ramblings, discussing topics on the intersection of all things pertaining to finance, technology, law and regulation. It is now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and Bilibili.
The new podcast is a forum for those that appreciate long-form conversations, with new content available every middle and end of the month.
In our first episode, former covert agent Bill Majcher revisits his detailed operations involving financial crimes across the globe, from anti-money laundering investigations, surveillances on terrorist activities and infiltrating drug cartel operations.
Bill reveals the defining moments in his career, predicating his discussions on financial crimes and regulations.
Regulatory Ramblings Podcasts is led by Douglas Arner and Ajay Shamdasani of the University of Hong Kong.
Ajay is a veteran writer, editor and researcher based in Hong Kong with extensive knowledge in regulatory developments in Asia. His experience comes from a 15-year long career as a financial and legal journalist, editor and former correspondent with Thomson Reuters’ Regulatory Intelligence/Compliance Complete.
Douglas Arner (Kerry Holdings Professor in Law, HKU Faculty of Law) is a global expert and thought leader on issues relating to digital finance/financial technology, sustainability development and regulation.
Part Two of the Financial Crimes episode with Bill Majcher, focusing entirely on the money-laundering activities happening in Hong Kong and the region, will be released on 15 June 2022.
Visit https://www.hkufintech.com/regulatoryramblings to find out more!
Contacts: Ajay Shamdasani (ajayshk@yahoo.com) | Prof. Douglas Arner (douglas.arner@hku.hk)