HKU-SCF FinTech Academy is excited to announce the launch of 2022 Summer FinTech Internship Programme for HKU’s FinTech and Computer Science students. If your company is interested in recruiting HKU FinTech and Computer Science undergraduate students this summer, we are happy to invite you to join our Summer Internship Programme to groom future FinTech talents in Hong Kong together with the Academy!
The objective of the programme is to connect HKU’s Computer Science (Year 2 – 3) and FinTech undergraduate students (Year 2 – 3) with the Industry, so that our students could:
i. gain practical and hands-on experience in the field of FinTech;
ii. build up network and connection with industry professionals, and;
iii. develop employer-valued skills such as teamwork, communications and attention to detail.
To enable our students to be a solid member of your team, some ideal job responsibilities of the student intern would be:
i. Student intern to be part of the team to design, develop, UAT, troubleshoot or upgrade of the product
ii. Student intern to work closely with research team to conduct in-depth research on FinTech related topics
You are also recommended to assign a mentor/supervisor to provide guidance and supervise the student.
Internship Period:
Recommended internship period: Jun – Aug 2022
You may discuss with the student on the actual internship start and end date. Please note that non-local student (i.e. holding a student visa) can only be employed from 1 Jun – 31 August.
If you are interested in participating in the programme, please fill in and submit the recruitment form on or before 15 April 2022.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the Academy through email fintechacademy@cs.hku.hk.
Supporting Organizations